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2015 Ozone NAAQS Transport SIP Modeling - Interactive Bar Chart

Interactive chart comparing results of the TCEQ’s air quality modeling and surface observations.

This interactive bar chart shows daily maximum pollutant concentrations from the TCEQ's 2015 Ozone NAAQS Transport SIP Modeling, comparing modeled values with available surface observations at locations of air quality monitoring sites.

If you have any questions regarding this interactive chart, please send an email to with the subject "Ozone Transport Modeling Results - Daily Max Bar Chart".

show instructions
select a model episode
select a model run
choose a chemical species
choose bi-linear interpolated, cell value, etc
choose hourly or 8-hour value
click a legend item to toggle the display of corresponding data series on the chart
click here to save chart image or data series
hold the left mouse button and select a rectangle in the chart area to zoom in
hover the cursor over chart to show the data values of particular day and time
move the cursor into this label area, hold the left mouse button and move up or down to change the upper value, double-click to reset to a default value
similarly, change the bottom value here; the bottom value cannot be changed below zero
change date range by sliding the left and/or right handles on this navigation bar
choose a site from this drop-down list or ...
... choose a site by clicking on a site marker on this map
the selected site is shown as a green marker
check to show modeling domain outlines on the map
check to zoom and center the map on the selected site